Vice President/Secretary-General - Hungkuang University

Vice President/Secretary-General

vicky Vicky Wang
Vice President/Secretary-General

No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City 433304, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 886-4-2631-8652 ext. 1130
Fax: 886-4-2631-0744

■ Education
Hungkuang Junior College of Nursing

■ Experiences

1. 2020.07.01~present, Vice President , Hungkuang University 
2. 2013.02.01~present, Department of Food Science and Technology Professor,Hungkuang University 
3. 1997.08.01~present, Director Secretary,Hungkuang University 

■ Journal publications

  1. Li-Yun Lin 1, Chiung-Chi Peng , Hui-Er Wang , Yen-Wei Liu ,Kun-Hung Shen, Kuan-Chou Chen , Robert Y. Peng(2016),’’ Active Volatile Constituents in Perilla frutescens Essential Oils and Improvement of Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Bioactivity by Fractionation’’, Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants,vol.19,no.8,pp.1957-1983
  2. Li-Yun Lin, Kun-Hung Shen, Xiang-Y¨u Yeh, Bou-Y¨u Huang, Hui-Er Wang, Kuan-Chou Chen, and Robert Y. Peng(2016),’’ Integrated Process for Production of Galangal Acetate, the “Wasabi-Like” Spicy Compound,and Analysis of Essential Oils of Rhizoma Alpinia officinarum (Hance) Farw’’, Journal of Food Science, Vol. 81, Nr. 6
  3. Li-Yun Lin, Chiung Chi Peng, Kuan-Chou Chen, Hui-Er Wang, Chun-Shen Wang, Kun Hung Shen, Robert Y Peng. Manufacturing Technology of Banana-Assorted Breads:  The Fermentative Characteristics Affected by Different Banana Cultivars. 2020. Food science & nutrition. 30;8(6):2627-2641. Impact factor‎: ‎1.797, Online ISSN‎: ‎2048-7177 (07/2019)

