Vice President - Hungkuang University

Vice President

Dr. Hu, Ting-Chen

Vice President, HungKuang University Address:No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City 433304, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-4-2631-8652 ext.1118

■ Education
 PhD, Dept. of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University
 MS, Dept. of Health Services Administration, China Medical University
 BS, Dept. of Accounting, Feng Chia University

Academic Expertise
 Human Resources Development, Health Business Management, Hospital Management

■ Experiences
1. Vice President of HungKuang University (Since Jul. 2020)
2.Associate Professor, Dept. of Senior Citizen and Long-term Care Business, Hungkuang University (Since Jul. 2019)
3. Overseas Vice President of HungKuang University (From Jul. 2014 to Jun. 2020)
4. Dean, Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs (From Feb. 2013 to Jan. 2014)
5. Chairman, Center of International and Cross-Strait Affairs (From Aug. 2011 to Jan. 2013)
6. Chairman, Center of Cross-Strait Affairs Development (From Aug. 2010 to Jul. 2011)
7. Director, Office of Human Resources (From Aug. 2010 to Jan. 2011)
8. Director, Office of Personnel (From Aug. 2008 to Jul. 2010)
9. Consultant of Human Resources, Huashijiabao Obstetric & Gynecological Hospital, Nanjing (Since Aug. 2008)
10. Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Business (Since Aug. 2007)
11. Project Consultant, KangCheng Hospital Management Consulting, Co. Ltd., Shanghai (Since Sep. 2005)
12. Secretary, Office of Personnel (From Aug. 2007 to Jul. 2008)
13. Educational Consultant, Kuang Tien General Hospital (From Apr. 2005 to May 2008)
14. Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Business (From Aug. 2006 to Jul. 2007)
15. Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Business Administration, Diwan University (From Aug. 2006 to Jul. 2007)
16. Chairman, Dept. of Health Business Administration, Diwan University (From Aug. 2006 to Jul. 2007)
17. Secretary, Office of Academic Affairs, HungKuang University (From Aug. 2003 to Jul. 2006)
18. Chairman, Dept. of Medical Affairs Management, HungKuang University (From Aug. 2001 to Jul. 2003)
19. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medical Management, HungKuang University (From Feb. 2001 to Jul. 2006)
20. Educational Training Planning Leader, Medical Affairs Section, Changhua Christian Hospital (From May 2006 to Sep. 2006)
21. Education Training Course Planning Leader, Siluo Hsinyi Orphanage (From May 2006 to Nov. 2006)
22. Section Chief of Curriculum, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, EMHA Hospital Management Curriculum (Since Sep. 2005)
23. Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Economics and Management, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (From Oct. 2005 to Nov. 2005)
24. Educational Training Consultant, HungKuang University Affiliated Aging Care Hospital (Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2005)
25. Educational Training Course Leader, Taiwan HoLi Medical Management Consulting Co. (From Nov. 2004 to Oct. 2005)
26. Consultant, HungKuang University Affiliated Aging Care Hospital (From Feb. 2003 to Jan. 2005)
27. Section Chief, Section of Admission, Office of Academic Affairs, HungKuang Institute (From Aug. 2000 to Jul. 2001)
28. Part-time Account Officer, Office of President, Chung Shan Medical University (From May 1999 to Jul. 1999)
29. Section Chief, Academic Section of Evening School, HungKuang Institute (From Feb. 1997 to Jul. 1999)
30. Part-time Executive Assistant, Office of Superintendent, Bodhi Hospital (From Jun. 1995 to Aug. 1995)
31. Lecturer, Dept. of Health Business Administration, HungKuang Institute (From Aug. 1993 to Jan. 2001)
32. Account Officer, Office of President, Kuang Tien General Hospital (From Jun. 1993 to Jun. 1995)

■ Journal publications (Selected papers)
1. Ting-Chen Hu, (2011),Quality Improvement – Reducing Real-time Inventory Errors Through Quality Control Circles, African Journal of Business Management,5(26), 10657-10666.
2. Ting-Chen Hu, Chia-Ching Lin(2011), The Creation of Pharmacists’ Core Competence Assessment Scale, African Journal of Business Management,5(11), 4226-4231.(SSCI)
3. Ting-Chen Hu(2010), A study on the managerial competency of a hospital’s basic level nursing directors, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 8(1),120-123.(国科会科教处2.4级期刊)
4. Kuen-Yi Lin, Ting-Chen Hu & Hsiu-Chin Tsai(2010),Teaching mathematics, science and technology concepts through designing hands-on and reflective activity, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 8(1),97-100.(国科会科教处2.4级期刊)
5. Ting-Chen Hu*, Chia-Ching Lin & Chin-Hsin Tsai(2009), Workplace learning competencies for female beauticians, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 7(2),204-207.(国科会科教处2.4级期刊)
6. Chu-Ling Chang, Kuen-Yi Lin, Ting-Chen Hu*(2009), A study of academic persistence of science and technology university students in a Taiwan University, Asia Pacific Education Review, 10(4), 517-523.(SSCI)
7. Ting-Chen Hu*, Kuen-Yi Lin, Chu-Ling Chang(2009), The study of nurses’ technology acceptance model in the on-line learning for the on-job training courses, Journal of statistics & Management Systems,12(3), 423-433.(EI)

8. 洪丽美、李亮君、胡庭祯(2009),大学生核心就业力之探讨–以某科技大学为例,国立台中技术学院学报,10(1),35-50。

9. Hu Ting-Chen*(2008),The conception of IIP and the application to medical institute,China-Usa Business Review,7(5),44-47。
10. Hung Li-Mei, Yeh Hsiu-Chih, Hu Ting-Chen*(2008),A study of the influence of organization transformation strategy, HR strategy and the degree of HR department involvement on organization transformation: Taking the Hi-Tec enterprises,China-Usa Business Review,7(4),29-39。
11. 洪丽美、许旭助、胡庭祯(2008),土地测量人员工作压力、工作满足及生涯转换倾向之研究,人文社会学报,8,109-140。
12. 洪丽美、李亮君、胡庭祯*、陈玉菱、刘莉菁、罗雅云、庄欣蓉(2008),学生网路使用行为与网路沈迷关聯之探讨-以某科技大学为个案,弘光学报,52,187-204。
13. 林佳静、吴育升、谢佳融、胡庭祯*(2008),二手教科书网路交易平台之资讯不对称研究—以弘光科技大学学生为例,弘光学报,52,175-186。
14. 张珠玲、胡庭祯*(2008),护理系学生对「善终」观念的分析,弘光学报,52,113-122。
15. 洪丽美、沈如凤、胡庭祯*、蔡雅涵、盘瑞文、李奇、郑莉蓉(2007),服务品质重视度与满意度之探讨-以某大学学校餐厅为例,弘光学报,50,195-210。
16. Su-Ting Chen, Ting-Chen Hu*(2007),The Study of the Effect of Learning Transfer in Hospital,Diwan Journal of Healthcare Administration,1(1),37-48。
17. 袁杰、胡庭祯*(2007),中国大陆农村合作医疗制度发展的历程与现况,致远医务管理学刊,1(1),1-14。
18. 魏鸾莹、胡庭祯(2007),知识管理对员工心理契约影响之初探,经国学报,25,9-24。
19. 胡庭祯*、余静佳、张珠玲(2007),学生生涯自我效能之探讨—以某科技大学医务管理系为例,弘光学报,50,293-304。
20. 林佳静、胡庭祯(2006),建构学习型虚拟实践社群之伦理基础,弘光学报,49,163-172。
21. 陈昭雄、胡庭祯、邓兰、张立安(2005),全国大专绩优社团学生干部对于大专校院校园社团发展工作认知之探讨,弘光学报,45,147-157。
22. 陈美华、邱虹红、杨洁芝、王琼琳、胡庭祯*(2005),加权平均成本与资本结构关联之研究-财金资料库教学应用实例,弘光学报,45,139-146。
23. 陈焜元、胡庭祯*、吴斯茜、魏鸾莹(2005),观光产业人力培育之研究:以观光客倍增计画为例,弘光学报,45,129-137。
24. Ting-Chen Hu*(2005), The Study of Work Value and Organizational Commitment of Domestic and Foregin Nurse’s Aides, T.S.M.H Medical & Nursing Journal, 11(1),19-33。
25. 胡庭祯*(2004),学校变革中行政人员学习意向之探讨,弘光学报,44,129-137。
26. 胡庭祯*(2004),「海外派遣」研究-博硕士论文之分析,弘光学报,43,111-122。
27. 洪丽美、陈昭雄、林合懋、胡庭祯(2004),技专校院改制对于行政人员心态调适及工作习性影响之探讨-以中部某科技大学为例,弘光学报,43,87-94。
28. 周秋满、胡庭祯、陈玉舜、冯兆康(2003),某科技大学学生属性与学生满意度之相关分析,弘光学报,42,93-100。
29. 刘美玉、胡庭祯*、林秀青、庄素容、颜荣佑(2003),医管人员专业角色定位之探讨,弘光学报,41,25-32。
30. 胡庭祯*、林春华、施博文(2002),医疗机构员工福利满意分析,弘光学报,40,27-34。
31. 胡庭祯*、陈雅玲、黄绣晶、陈永庆、施淑瑛、曾洛琪(2002),学习型组织在医院之推展,医院,35(1),1-9。
32. 朱家成、刘金蓉、胡庭祯(2002),呼吸治疗师专业生涯承诺之探讨,呼吸治疗,1(1),29-37。
33. 周美鑫、胡庭祯*(2001),新入院病患环境介绍改善之成效评估,医院,34(3),9-18。
34. Ting-Chen Hu*、Chun-Hua Susan Lin(2000), Understanding the Professional Career Commitment of Medical Laboratory Professionals The Journal of Health Science, 2(4),369-380。
35. 胡庭祯*、王朝明(2000),全民健康保险实施后医院社会工作人员角色转变之初探,医院,33(5),1-11。
36. 张肃婷、胡庭祯*、王乃弘(2000),门诊病患对返院就医因素及态度之研究-以中部某区域医院为实证,弘光学报,36,73-104。
37. 吴瑞堂、胡庭祯*、王乃弘:2000,医疗资源耗用的影响之探讨-以经尿道摄护腺切除术为例,弘光学报,36,47-71。
38. 王朝明、胡庭祯*(2000),全民健康保险实施后医院社工部门功能转变之研究,弘光学报,36,23-45。
39. 胡庭祯*、刘丽芳、周承瑶、洪美珠(2000),某供应中心物料自动补给改善方案成效评估,医护科技期刊,2(2),159-177。
40. 刘丽芳、叶大川、郭俶幸、胡庭祯(2000),重新建构针扎事件通报系统的处置流程,弘光学报,35,97-114。
41. 胡庭祯*、林春华(2000),病历部门人员角色压力与组织承诺关联性之探讨,弘光学报,35,73-96。
42. 李效梅、刘波儿、林昭卿、胡庭祯(2000),五专护理科学生对基本护理及技术课程学习情况之调查,弘光学报,35,41-72。
43. 胡庭祯*(1999),组织承诺与专业生涯承诺之探讨-以护理人员为例,弘光学报,33,115-133。
44. 胡庭祯*(1997),医院员工组织承诺之探讨,医院,30(2),22-31。
