2022國際講座Free Virtual Public Lecture on Environmental Education - 弘光科技大學

2022國際講座Free Virtual Public Lecture on Environmental Education

公告日期:2022年08月10日張貼人:弘光科技大學 國際事務處

馬來西亞Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman姊妹校的The Centre for Learning and Teaching和Centre for Environment and Green Technology將共同舉辦一場關於環境教育的線上講座。


這場講座將介紹環境教育和自然保護的歷史、教育影響、與利益相關者的合作、面臨的問題及現狀,特別關注由日本Nagareyama (流山市)志願者團體所開展的「螢火蟲」。


與我們一起從日本環境教育和自然保護專家那裡探索和了解更多有趣的環境主題--來自Nagareyama (流山市)的成功故事和廢物管理專家兼環境規劃顧問分享日本固體廢物的管理經驗。


Date: 27 August 2022 (Saturday)

Time: 1PM – 4PM (Malaysia Time)

2PM – 5PM (Japan Time)

Platform: Zoom

Meeting ID: 815 4668 6260
Passcode: 716923

Language: English
Registration is FREE!!!!!

Scan the QR Code on the poster or click on the link below to register for the public lecture!

Registration link:

Link: https://forms.office.com/r/qHrzaiBmvA

Feel free to contact us if you have any inquiries. Email: Ms Ching Suet Ling (chingsl@utar.edu.my) or Dr Leong Sim Siong (leongss@utar.edu.my)


About the speakers:

Mr. Munehiro FUKUDA

Recipient of the JICA President Award for the contribution in Asian countries in environmental field in 2021
Member of NPO “CommuNet Nagareyama”
With Sowa Consultant Inc. until 2021


President Group of Nagareyama Field of Firefly

Kanto Gakuin University, Electrical Engineering B.Sc.

Environmental Education and Nature Conservation at Nagareyama City   – “Field of Firefly”

Mr. Satoshi SUGIMOTO

Acting Director, Overseas Environmental Consulting Department
EX Research Institute, Co., Ltd. Japan
Environment planning consultant with more than 30 years of experience
Chief Adviser of JICA Technical Cooperation for Development of Household E-waste
Management Mechanism in Malaysia
Waste management expert under JICA, ADB, the World Bank in many countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and other areas in the world.


Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT), UTAR, Malaysia

Centre for Environment and Green Technology (CEGT), UTAR, Malaysia

Sponsored by: Toshiba International Foundation (TIFO), Japan