敬邀師長參與加拿大姐妹校Humber College針對教學活動舉辦之多元主題線上工作坊 - 弘光科技大學

敬邀師長參與加拿大姐妹校Humber College針對教學活動舉辦之多元主題線上工作坊


本校加拿大姐妹校Humber College擬於110年4月1日至110年6月30日(台灣時間)舉辦5場不同主題之線上工作坊,歡迎師長們踴躍報名參加,相關資訊如下:




Dear colleagues, partners, and friends,


On behalf of Humber, I’m writing to extend our sincere thanks to all of you for promoting our Teaching + Learning workshop series focused on professional development to your colleagues and networks.


Our first workshop of this mini-series is scheduled on Wednesday, March 31, 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm (Toronto time). Kindly convert it to your local time.


In the first workshop “Creating a Community of Learners”, our facilitator, Ranya Khan, Faculty development Advisor, will share strategies that we have used to create a community in face-to-face and online environments, a topic that would be helpful for all faculty and staff – regardless of academic area or discipline. This session’s focus is to present, reflect on, and strategize the opportunities and challenges on how to build a community and foster a sense of belonging for all students. Attached is the workshop’s postcard for further details.

Registration link: How to register


Deadline of registration for the workshop: Tuesday, March 30, 2021.


The workshop is delivered over Blackboard and a link will be emailed to all registrants by Wednesday, March 31.


Questions? Please contact Kimmy Do, Offshore Operations Manager – Offshore ELC, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning: kimmy.do@humber.ca